AirTest Technologies TSX-V: AAT / OTC: AATGF / FSX: 71A, WKN: A1JMFL

Why I’m Passionate And Why It’s A Good Time To Be An Investor In AirTest, CEO Ted Konyi Explains.

With the general population and governments understanding that paying attention to energy efficiency is paramount to the planet’s future, Ted Konyi, CEO of AirTest shared  in a webinar on May 26th how AirTest has the right product at the right time.

The Webinar can be viewed by clicking HERE.

Proven Beyond Doubt: 100 thousand+ sensor installations since 2013 – Ikea, Lowe’s, Shoppers Drug Mart, parking garages & commercial structures. 

Proprietary Technology: New wireless sensors incorporating advanced communication protocols will lower customer costs while positively impacting company margins.

Quick Payback & Green: Multiple case studies prove quick customer payback of less than two years through energy savings + greatly reduced carbon footprint.

Management by Measurement: HVAC/ventilation systems adjust heating or cooling needs based on real-time measurement of CO2  levels = actual building occupancy.

Proprietary Technology: New wireless sensors incorporating advanced communication protocols will lower customer costs while positively impacting company margins.

The full investor presentation can be viewed by clicking HERE.