The market always likes to see insiders buying up stock and with that in mind, investors would best be served to pay attention to Temas Resources. Company management has been active buyers as of late, accumulating over 300,000 shares in the past two months.

When asked why the stock has declined in recent months, President & CEO Michael Dehn responded that , “There is a disconnect between the valuation and the progress we’ve made in the business.  The company has cash in the bank and a series of projects that are well underway. We expect to start seeing significant business developments being released to the market in the next couple of months.”

According to Michael, below is what investors should expect to see from Temas in the coming months:

  • ORF Technology: The pilot plant for the processing of titanium, vanadium, and iron rich material, is expected to be running this month. The processing technology is significantly more cost effective and environmentally friendly compared to traditional methods of TiO2 extraction. Material produced is currently being tested by potential customers.
  • Piskanja Boron Project: Finalizing the resource and the PEA (Preliminary Economic Assessment) for the Serbian government by the end of the year. Then the company will target the 43-101 PEA report for Canada about 30 – 45 days later.
  • Lac Brule Fe-Ti-V Project: The company recently announced that it secured 100% of the high-grade Lac Brule Fe-Ti-V project in Quebec. The property is expected to provide low-cost feedstock to the ORF Technology pilot plant.

Here is a snapshot of how much stock insiders have been buying lately:


Click here to learn more about Temas Resources.

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